A novel method of identifying permanent fault for single-phase adaptive reclosure in transmission lines with shunt reactors is proposed. 针对带并联电抗器的超高压输电线路,提出一种单相自适应重合闸永久性故障识别的新方法。
Effect of Different Harvest Dates on Qualities of Juglans Regia For phase-to-phase fault, it trips three phases and recloses three phases ( checking synchronization and no-votage); when reclosing on permanent fault, it trips three phases. 不同采收日期对三台核桃品质的影响使开关相间故障跳三相,重合三相(检定同期或无压),重合于永久性故障跳三相。
Time-domain method to identify permanent fault of transmission line with shunt reactor 带并联电抗器输电线路永久性故障的时域判别方法
The self-adaptive reclosure, which is aimed to distinguish the transient fault and the permanent fault, can reduce the power loss caused by faults and enhance the stability of power system. 区分瞬时性和永久性故障为目的的自适应重合闸,能减少故障对电能的损失,增强电网的稳定性。
The fault processing time is divided into six parts: judgment time of permanent fault, substation fault information collection time, substation fault locating time, main station processing time and main station fault recovery time. 将故障处理时间划分为永久性故障判别时间、子站故障信息收集时间、子站故障定位时间、子站执行故障隔离时间、主站处理时间、主站执行故障恢复时间。
Further more, the switches reclose at optimal reclosing time by phase for instantaneous fault and shut down reclosure for permanent fault. 瞬时故障时在最佳重合时刻分相重合,永久故障时闭锁重合闸。
The developing of a distinguishing device for permanent fault with integrated circuit 集成电路型永久故障判别装置研究
After permanent fault occurs to power distribution system, dispatchers need to change the operation status of switches accordingly, segregate permanent fault area and resume power supply to other areas without fault. 配电网发生永久性故障后,调度人员需要根据具体情况重新设定开关的运行状态,隔离永久性故障区域,恢复非故障区域的供电。
The judgment can distinct exactly the suspend fault or permanent fault through analyzing the natural vibration voltage caused by residual energy attenuation and so that it makes sure that the reclosure operates correctly. 该判据通过对线路断开瞬间由于残余能量衰减而引起的线路自振电压特性的分析,能准确区分瞬时性故障和永久性故障,从而保证了重合闸的正确动作。
Its frequency is power frequency. 20 ms-step differential of fault phase recovery voltage is used to distinguish transient fault from permanent fault. 对故障相恢复电压进行步长为20ms的差分,瞬时性故障时差分后的电压幅值较大,而永久性故障差分后电压幅值基本为零。
This criterion uses the fault location result to get the fault point voltage and take the fault point voltage in theory as the setting value to distinguish the permanent fault from temporary fault. 该判据以故障点瞬时故障电压理论值为定值,由故障测距结果求出故障点实际电压,当故障点实际电压小于定值时为永久性故障,反之为瞬时性故障;
The calculation result shows that the reclosing mode can avoid severe impact to the system caused by reclosing on permanent fault, strengthen the inter-connection between systems during the fault, and improve the stability of power system. 计算结果表明,该重合闸方案能够避免重合于永久故障时对系统的冲击,增强故障持续期间系统之间的联系,提高电力系统稳定性;
Their common shortcoming is that they act blindly entirely before reclosing and can not distinguish instantaneous fault from permanent fault. 它们共同的缺点就是在重合闸之前,完全是盲目的动作,无法区分线路发生的是瞬时性故障还是永久性故障。
Introduced several practical scheme on distribution automation and analyzed the procedure by which each scheme reach their function of distribution automatically, fault location, measuring& eliminating contemporary fault, isolating permanent fault, and restoring other part of network. 介绍了配网自动化的方案,并分析各种方案实现自动配电、故障定位、测量、消除暂时性故障和隔离永久性故障、恢复非故障区段供电的过程。
A novel approach of distinguishing between temporary and permanent fault in single pole autoreclosing based on fault location is proposed. 该文提出一种基于故障测距的单相自动重合闸永久故障电压自适应补偿判据。
It is concluded that the permanent fault displacement due to the main shock is the main cause of activity of large aftershocks, but not the whole cause. 本文的结果表明,主震位错产生的库仑破裂应力变化是昆仑山口西地震强余震活动的重要原因,但不是全部原因。
In order to reduce the false alarm induced by intermittent fault, a diagnostic method of three states including OK, intermittent and permanent fault by double thresholds is presented. The influence of intermittent fault on BIT is also studied quantificationally. 为降低间歇故障引起的虚警,提出一种三状态方法,利用双阈值来区分系统的正常、间歇、永久故障三种状态,并分析得到间歇故障对BIT影响的定量关系。
Research and Implementation about Permanent Fault Recovery Mechanism of a TMR Sever 一种TMR容错服务器永久故障恢复机制的研究与实现
But in some cases, adaptive reclosing can confound instantaneous fault with permanent fault, so it has fault too. 但自适应重合闸在某些情况下,会分不清线路到底发生了瞬时性故障还是永久性故障,仍有一定的缺陷。
As the composition of fault phase recovery voltage is different when transient and permanent fault occurs, the power spectrum is also in difference. 由于瞬时性与永久性故障时,断开相恢复电压的组成不同,其功率谱存在较大区别。
However, the implementation of a permanent fault conditions reclosing not only will the power system is once again under the impact of short-circuit current, but also to make electrical equipment conditions to deteriorate. 但若盲目重合于永久性故障,不仅会使电力系统又一次受到短路电流的冲击,还会使电气设备条件恶化。
The results show that recovery voltage of temporary fault contains the components of power frequency component and free component, while the recovery voltage of permanent fault only contains power frequency component. 研究表明单相瞬时性故障时的恢复电压由自由分量与工频分量叠加而成,而永久性故障时的恢复电压中只包含工频分量。
In the series compensation system, although the increase of series capacitor circuit, the fault identification criterion still can identify transient fault and permanent fault. 在串补系统中,虽然线路增加了串联电容器,但是故障识别判据仍然可以识别瞬时性故障和永久性故障。
In order to eliminate disserve in the permanent fault on the power system hazards, we should determine the type of fault to achieve adaptive reclosing. 为了消除重合于永久性故障对电力系统的危害,应该判断故障的类型,实现自适应重合闸。
A long fault clearing time may cause a lot of problems, such as the electrical equipment may be deformed or even destroyed, the bus load may be rejected, a long time voltage drop, the transient fault develops into a permanent fault, et al. 故障切除延时过长导致电气设备变形甚至烧毁、同一母线大量甩负荷、长时间电压跌落、用电设备毁坏、瞬时故障发展成永久故障等问题。
Simulation results show that the criterion can reliably distinguish transient fault and permanent fault both single circuit line or double circuit line, unaffected by fault locations or transition resistance. 大量仿真结果表明,无论是单回线还是双回线,判据都能可靠地判别出故障类型,并且不受故障位置和过渡电阻的影响。
Single-phase grounding fault of EHV transmission line is mainly divided into two states: permanent fault and transient fault. 超高压输电线路的单相接地故障主要分为永久性故障和瞬时性故障,并且瞬时性故障是单相接地故障的主要表现形式。
This paper focus on adaptive reclosing of the fault byr the fault phase voltage signal analysis to find permanent fault and the fault of instantaneous criterion. 本文围绕自适应重合闸,对故障产生前后故障相的电压信号进行分析,以寻找永久性故障和瞬时性故障的判据。
The recovery voltage contains power frequency component and low-frequency decaying component when transient fault occurs, and it only contains power frequency component when permanent fault occurs. 瞬时性故障时,恢复电压由工频周期分量和非工频衰减分量组成,永久性故障时,恢复电压仅由工频周期分量组成。
Only in the implementation of instantaneous reclosure failure to prevent a permanent fault conditions coincide huge impact on the system. 只在瞬时性故障时实施重合闸,避免了永久性故障情况下重合对系统的巨大冲击。